
Tethered Citizens: Time to Repeal the Welfare State

“How tethered are you?” That’s what Sheldon Richman starts out asking in this indispensable book laying bare “the theory and practice of the welfare state.” Chances are Richman’s answer will widen the eyes even of those who think they’re familiar with the welfare state’s milestones, such as the New Deal. The author digs deeper, unearthing …

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Excuse Me While I Wag: A Dilbert Book

Cubicle-dwelling business people the world over have been knowingly nodding, faithfully push-pinning their favorite strips to their cube walls, and–most of all–belly laughing out loud ever since Dilbert first arrived on the scene. In this collection, Excuse Me While I Wag, Dilbert and his look-alike dog, Dogbert, once again provide comic relief to anyone who …

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The Underground Lawyer

Michael Minns’s The Underground Lawyer was written as a symbol of growing intolerance for those in government and in law who have abused their power and authority, and abused the rights of every day people. It also serves as encouragement to attorneys who represent these victims and who have found themselves the prey of this …

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Rediscovering Competition: Competition Policy in East Central Europe in Comparative Perspective (Theorie und Praxis neuer Staatlichkeit) (German Edition)

The volume consists of two parts. First, in two contributions, the basics of the debate on regulatory policy in Germany and Great Britain are presented. In a second step academics from Political Science, Economics and Law as well as decision-makers from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary discuss competition law, institutional aspects of competition …

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Dilbert – A Treasury Of Sunday Strips: Version 00

Everyone who’s in business, works for a business, or even just gives others the business is amazed: Scott Adams never lacks for yet another way to lampoon the corporate world. It’s not that Adams is anti-business. He’s more anti-bad boss than anything. But poor management practices, the effects of bad decisions, and what it all …

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Theories of Democracy: A Reader

Theories of Democracy builds on Robert Dahl’s observation that there is no single theory of democracy; only theories. Beyond the broad commitment to rule by the majority, democracy involves a set of contentious debates concerning the proper function and scope of power, equality, freedom, justice, and interests. In this anthology, Ronald J. Terchek and Thomas …

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Regional Economics and Policy

The revised edition of this classic text contains discussions of the latest theoretical developments in regional economics and reviews recent changes in regional policy and institutions in the European Union. New case study material based on extensive academic research has been added throughout the book.

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Random Acts Of Management:A Dilbert Book

In Random Acts of Management, cartoonist Scott Adams offers sardonic glimpses once again into the lunatic office life of Dilbert, Dogbert, Wally, and others, as they work in an all-too-believably ludicrous setting filled with incompetent management, incomprehensible project acronyms, and minuscule raises. Everyone, it seems, identifies with Dilbert, who struggles to navigate the constant tribulations …

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Regulierung und Deregulierung im wirtschaftlichen Transformationsprozess: Zur Neugestaltung von Staatlichkeit” am Beispiel der Verkehrspolitik in den … Praxis neuer Staatlichkeit) (German Edition)

Der weltweite Prozeß der Regulierung und Deregulierung hat auch Mittel- und Osteuropa erfasst. Hier wie andernorts stellt sich in diesem Kontext die Frage nach der Neubestimmung der Rolle des Staates. Zu dieser Frage liegen weiterführende theoretische und empirische Befunde vor, die die Erfahrungen anglo-amerikanischer Demokratien verarbeiten. Diese dienen als Bezugsrahmen für die Analyse. Allerdings besteht …

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