Dann E. Kroeger

Articles by Dann E. Kroeger

Could 1929 Happen Again?

The 1929 Stock Market Crash led to the largest economic recession in modern world history. Today’s octogenarian Americans knew of the vast devastation started by the stock market crash from first hand witnesses—their parents.All Americans suffered. Those with assets lost all or a substantial portion of their portfolio. A third of workers lost jobs. Tens of thousands of firms went broke, including banks, retail stores and manufacturing plants. New business slowed to a trickle. But none were hurt more than farmers who could not pay their loans and lost their farms. Once lost, it was impossible for them to re-acquire the land necessary to run a successful family farm.The major causes of the 1929 stock market crash were easy money policies instituted by the Federal Reserve System (Fed) during

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Fiat Money is the Greatest Danger Our Economy Faces

In nature everything has a cycle. Birth, growth, maturation, death. Everything, including the planets and stars. Nothing stays the same. So why does our government believe they can master economic cycles and not experience ups and downs the way nature does? Throughout history, economies haven’t worked that way.For years, to enhance trade, countries tied their currencies to commodities that were scarce, valuable and had steady prices. Often, gold, silver, sometimes copper.Shortly after Alexander Hamilton created our monetary system and established our national bank, The Coinage Act of 1792 established the US Mint with rules for coinage of gold and silver. The dollar was defined in terms of a specific weight of gold or silver, providing a link between the currency and precious metals. This

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