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Two emerging FX trades for an end to the trade war

Adam Button from ForexLive discusses three currencies to avoid as the trade war ends along with a developed market trade and two emerging market currencies that could have big runs in the months ahead.


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  1. Kirstin Strand

    Anything to keep the Markets roiled.

    1. Adam Button

      Always roiled 😉

  2. Tudor Conciu

    SO I am confused why did you say that we need to not be in any of the currencies USD, EUR, JPY when a deal is signed?
    Is it because we do know now how much of it is priced in…….?

    BTW the phase 1 deal will be signed but the second one LOL, no way to make that type of a deal with a communist country!

    1. Adam Button

      When there are worries, money retreats into the reserve currencies. When the market starts looking for growth again, they go elsewhere. That's what's going to unfold.

    2. Tudor Conciu

      @Adam Button now I understand, but the EURO isn't a safe haven. anyway……. !

      I will keep you and your family in my prayers ……. Jesus LOVES you He is just 1 prayer away!

  3. Pub Comrad

    China never honored what they signed – cheater. Remember Hong Kong, militialization of SCS islands, UNCLOS, CFC-11 gas, illegal fishing nets, Paris agreement?

  4. David George

    Are you guys seriously thinking that a China Trade deal is going to happen with all the undercurrent of global Leftist politics? Clearly both China and Leftist Democrats have one aim, get rid of Trump. Don't you think that the balance of 40 years of Wall Street capital does not share the same objectives as Leftist Democrats? These bastards are going to go full retard anti Trump and anti Trade deal. The resulting financial malay will be pinned on Trump before the 2020 election and he will be gone.

  5. Mr. PIP

    Everytime I listen to Adam on the Canadian dollar I get rammed, smh never again.

  6. Jonathan Williams

    Can't you guys ditch skype and switch to for a better connection, please? Thanks!

  7. Phoenix Braeden

    Awesome vids!! About to subscribe! BTW, I think you should check smzeus!! It’s the fastest way to grow your YouTube channel!!

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