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Polybahn-Pitch: Jan-Egbert Sturm, KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle der ETH Zürich

Wissenschaft kurz und knapp: Während einer Polybahnfahrt vom Central hoch zur ETH haben haben ETH-Wissenschaftler rund 100 Sekunden Zeit, die Zuhörer für ihre Tätigkeit zu begeistern. Ab Mitte Juni regelmässig auf dem YouTube-Channel der ETH. Erster Gast: Professor Jan-Egbert Sturm, Leiter der Konjunkturforschungsstelle KOF.

Science short and sweet: During a Polybahn journey from Zurich Central to ETH Zurich, ETH-scientists have about 100 seconds to inspire the audience with their research. Regularly on ETH Zurich's YouTube channel from mid-June. First guest: Professor Jan-Egbert Sturm, Director of the KOF Swiss Economic Institute.
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KOF Zurich
KOF Swiss Economic Institute defines itself as one of the leading economic “think tanks” in Switzerland. In this prospect, KOF (acronym for the German word "Konjunkturforschungsstelle", which means business cycle research institute) aims to play two roles, one as a mediator between a broader public (politics, society) and the research community, and one as a leading platform for economists, especially within Switzerland.
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