• 5 responses

    1. FloridaRay

      Excellent job calling out biden that the liar that he is. A criminal to the American people along with his whole administration.


    2. Lucky Review

      Market is in the right direction..
      these new jobs are added to small business.
      most of them are summer seasonal jobs. hourly wages.
      may be because Student loan program pause made students to wok more/multiple jobs.
      from last couple years, small business had tough time to hire people, but at last they are able to hire with reasonable hourly pay.


      • Fortus Victus

        Don't fall for the propaganda, the student loan repayment thing doesn't effect decision-making for those that owe them. Add to that, even though SCOTUS confirmed that the Exec branch can't just wipe away the debt, as of this week the Sec Ed rolled out a program (you'd think they already had it planned out) whereby those who make under 87k per year/household will have a $0 monthly payment. Technically they will be making payments again in August, but the payment will be $0.
        Great news for those of us on federal service programs that will pay our loans after 10 years of good payment.


    3. Scott Pi

      SPX 1800 next year. 1X sales. History.


      • 486DX266

        Man, I'd really be ****ed if that happened. That would help with wealth inequality though.


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