Found 1,377 search results for keyword: label

What Will It Take for Cryptocurrencies to Become Full-Fledged Money?

Bitcoin is the beginning of something great: a currency without a government, something necessary and imperative.1– NASSIM TALEB The crypto-unit bitcoin2 holds out the prospect of something revolutionary: money created in the free market, money the production and use of which the state has no access to. The transactions carried out with it are anonymous; outsiders do not know who paid and who received the payment. It would be money that cannot be...

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2SLGBTQ+IA and the Law

The acronym 2SLGBTQ+IA stands for two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, androgynous, and asexual. The 2SLGBTQ+IA community is often described as seeking “rights and equality” for its members. What fair-minded person could object? Increasingly, however, the community appears to want privileges and equity as well. These goals are diametrically opposed. Rights, such as freedom of speech, are universal and...

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Dem Markt wird Liquidität entzogen: Marktausblick Juli 2023 mit Markus Koch&Stefan Breintner #shorts

► Webseite: ► Podcast: ► Impressum: Seit über vier Jahrzehnten setzt die DJE Kapital AG Maßstäbe in der Vermögensverwaltung und in Fonds. Die DJE Kapital AG (DJE) ist seit rund 50 Jahren als unabhängige Vermögensverwaltung am Kapitalmarkt aktiv und steht mit ihrem hauseigenen Research für eine wertorientierte, risikobewusste Anlagepolitik. DJE folgt bei der Wertpapierauswahl...

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The Marxian Doctrine of “Ideology”

Even Marx must dimly recognize that not "material productive forces," not even "classes," act in the real world, but only individual consciousness and individual choice. Even in the Marxian analysis, each class, or the individuals within it, must become conscious of its "true" class interests in order to act upon pursuing or achieving them. To Marx, each individual's thinking, his values and theories, are all...

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Why “Classical” Liberals Want Decentralization

[This article is chapter 3 of Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities. Now available at Amazon and in the Mises Store.] In recent decades, many pundits, scholars, and intellectuals have assured us that advances in communications and transportation would eliminate the different political, economic, and cultural characteristics peculiar to residents of different regions within the United States. It is...

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Why Government Pollution Control Fails

In over twenty-five years of teaching undergraduate students, I have heard the same refrain countless times: free markets have many problems that government has to step in to solve. Indeed, students expect government to “step in” so much that markets occupy a peripheral role in their idealized economic system. Even students with an ideological predilection toward markets will be quick to argue that certain problems, such as pollution, require...

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Modern Socialism Is Forced Socialization

My article “The Education of the Modern Socialist” deserves a follow-up. The first part showed that a change has occurred in the definition of “socialism”—a necessary change in view of the failures of this ideology during the last century. Socialism today is based on the ideology of “statism”—the conviction that the state must play a fundamental role in society. Ludwig von Mises’s wider definition of socialism as state intervention implies a modern...

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Dem Markt wird Liquidität entzogen – Marktausblick Juli 2023 mit Markus Koch & Stefan Breintner

Stefan Breintner, Research-Leiter von DJE, spricht in seinem monatlichen Marktausblick-Dialog mit dem Wall-Street-Experten Markus Koch u.a. folgende Punkte an: Die Politik der Notenbanken zielt darauf ab, die #Wirtschaft abzuschwächen. Inzwischen zeigt die #Konjunktur Schwächen, und wenn monetär so weiter gebremst wird wie in den vergangenen Monaten, dann kann es zu einer ausgewachsenen #Rezession kommen. Vor allem die Europäische Zentralbank...

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Wie groß ist die Zinsspekulation an den Märkten? Podcast mit Dr. Ulrich Kaffarnik

#podcast Gebannt blicken #Anleger weltweit nach wie vor auf das weitere Vorgehen der US #Notenbank Federal Reserve. Die #Spekulation auf eine Absenkung der #Leitzinsen noch in diesem Jahr läuft, wie es scheint, abgemildert weiter - obwohl ein solches Szenario mittlerweile angesichts solider Wirtschaftsdaten kaum noch wahrscheinlich erscheint. Ob noch größere Korrekturen warten, hängt wiederum maßgeblich mit der konjunkturellen Entwicklung und...

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Zinsspekulation – DJE-plusNews Juli 2023 mit Dr. Ulrich Kaffarnik und Mario Künzel

#zinsen #china #fed #konjunktur #markt In dem monatlichen DJE-plusNews reflektiert Mario Künzel, Referent Investmentstrategie, das aktuelle Marktgeschehen zusammen mit dem Kapitalmarktexperten Dr. Ulrich Kaffarnik. Themen: ▶ Zinsspekulationen beeinflussen die Börse. ▶ Chinas Außenhandel bricht ein. Was bedeutet das für Europa? ▶ Die Markttechnik zeigt aktuell ein sehr gemischtes Bild. ► Webseite: ► Podcast:...

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Mercantilism: A Lesson for Our Times?

Mercantilism has had a "good press" in recent decades, in contrast to 19th-century opinion. In the days of Adam Smith and the classical economists, mercantilism was properly regarded as a blend of economic fallacy and state creation of special privilege. But in our century, the general view of mercantilism has changed drastically: Keynesians hail mercantilists as prefiguring their own economic insights; Marxists, constitutionally unable...

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Fondsporträt: Dr. Jens Ehrhardt über den FMM-Fonds

Der FMM-Fonds hat einen flexiblen, vermögensverwaltenden Ansatz. Er investiert überwiegend in Aktien, kann aber auch in Anleihen investieren oder seine Cash-Quote stark erhöhen, wenn es die Marktsituation erfordert. Dr. Jens Ehrhardt managt den Fonds seit dessen Auflage im Jahr 1987. Im Video stellt er seinen bewährten Investmentansatz vor. Außerdem erläutert er, warum für den FMM-Fonds sowohl substanzstarke Unternehmen als auch aussichtsreiche...

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Konsumgüter: Kaffee schmeckt immer – auch kalt – Podcast mit Sebastian Hofbeck und Manuel Zeuch

#Konsumaktien gehören zu den Evergreens bei Anlegern und erfreuen sich auch in konjunkturell schwierigem Fahrwasser großer Beliebtheit. Sind #Aktien aus dem #Sektor auch in der aktuellen Lage eine gute Wahl fürs Portfolio? Das diskutieren wir in unserer aktuellen Podcast-Episode mit zwei Experten aus dem DJE-Research: Sebastian Hofbeck und Manuel Zeuch. Im Podcast teilen sie neueste Erkenntnisse von ihrem Besuch der wichtigsten...

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Paleoconservatives Need Better Critics

Paul Gottfried is no stranger to criticism from “conservative” gatekeepers. Like his friend and colleague Murray Rothbard, Gottfried has been a target of Buckleyite conservativism ever since he was ousted from the National Review in the 1980s. Also, like Rothbard, Gottfried’s ideas have continued to inspire new generations of Americans sincerely interested in grappling with societal issues as neoconservatism has waned everywhere outside of...

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To Smoke or Not to Smoke: The Cigarette Economy in Postwar Germany, 1945–48

During the three years after World War II, Germans—facing a ruined economy and wildly depreciating currency—turned to cigarettes as a medium of exchange on a massive scale. Allied occupation authorities strictly forbade this black-market currency exchange, but it literally saved the lives of many German civilians—and inadvertently made many American GIs rich. The cigarette had already made its appearance during the war as a currency in both the...

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When Slave Owners Chose Federal Power over Local Sovereignty

A recurring theme in American politics is the cynical use of federal power by those who simultaneously pretend to favor "states' rights" or "local control." We see this today when Republicans one minute say they favor local control with gun laws or Obamacare—and then demand the federal government impose nationwide drug prohibitions. We see it among Democrats who want local control over "sanctuary cities" for illegal...

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Why Regimes Want to Rule Over Big States with More Land and More People

When the Soviet Union began its collapse in 1989, the world witnessed decentralization and secession on a broad scale. Over the next several years, puppet regimes and states that were independent in name only broke away from Soviet domination and formed sovereign states. Some states which had completely ceased to exist—such as the Baltic states—declared independence and became states in their own right. In its heyday, the Soviet Union had been...

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Unraveling the Fallacy of Natural Monopolies

Most cartels and trusts would never have been set up had not the governments created the necessary conditions by protectionist measures. Manufacturing and commercial monopolies owe their origin not to a tendency immanent in capitalist economy but to governmental interventionist policy directed against free trade and laisser-faire. —Ludwig von Mises, Socialism The concept of natural monopolies has often intrigued economists and policymakers, serving...

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DJE-Halbjahresbilanz Kapitalmärkte 2023: Webkonferenz mit Dr. Jens Ehrhardt und Markus Koch

Für Dr. Jens Ehrhardt, Gründer der DJE Kapital AG, heißt das Motto für das restliche Jahr 2023 „Mit Vorsicht voraus“. ✔ Ist die #Bärenmarkt-Rallye vorbei? ✔ Geht es abwärts und wenn ja, wann? ✔ Welche Titel tragen eigentlich die aktuelle #Performance z. B. des S&P 500, und sind das zu wenige? Auf der #Halbjahresbilanz beleuchtet Dr. Jens Ehrhardt die Lage an den Kapitalmärkten: gewohnt fundiert, klarsichtig und ohne zu beschönigen. Dabei...

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Radical Decentralization Was the Key to the West’s Rise to Wealth and Freedom

It is not uncommon to encounter political theorists and pundits who insist that political centralization is a boon to economic growth. In both cases, it is claimed the presence of a unifying central regime—whether in Brussels or in Washington, DC, for example—is essential in ensuring the efficient and free flow of goods throughout a large jurisdiction. This, we are told, will greatly accelerate economic growth. In many ways, the model is the United...

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