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Live Currency Cross Rates
On Swiss National Bank
SNB Sight Deposits: decreased by 4.0 billion francs compared to the previous week
11 days ago -
USD/CHF posts modest gains to near 0.9000 in thin holiday trading
2024-12-24 -
Forex Today: Markets quiet down as Christmas approaches
2024-12-24 -
Gold finds some support at $2,660, with upside attempts limited
2024-12-13 -
USD/CHF aims to revisit 0.8950 as SNB to cut rates further
Main SNB Background Info
SNB Sight Deposits: decreased by 4.0 billion francs compared to the previous week
11 days ago -
The Secret History Of The Banking Crisis
2017-08-14 -
SNB Balance Sheet Now Over 100 percent GDP
2016-08-29 -
The relationship between CHF and gold
2016-07-23 -
CHF Price Movements: Correlations between CHF and the German Economy
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